Helpful Vocabulary

Epiphyte – Plant growing upon another plant, nonparasitically
Inflorescence – Bloom spike
Lithophyte – Plant growing upon rocks
Monopodial – Single point of growth from the top of the plant
Semi-terete leaf – Leaves somewhat pencil-shaped and tapered but not always completely round in cross section
Strap-leaf – Flat leathery leaf
Terete-leaf – Leaf rounded and pointed like a pencil in shape
Vandaceous orchids – Orchids of the genus Vanda and close relatives.

Program: Growing Vandaceous Orchids
Useful Abbreviations

V.         =  Vanda                                 V. coerulea

Asctm.  =  Ascocentrum                      Asctm. ampullaceum

Ascda.  =  Ascocenda                           Man-made hybrid between Ascocentrum + Vanda

Rhy.     =   Rhynchostylis                     Rhy. gigantea